Hello everyone and welcome to our new Forum!
We have upgraded our Forum to the newest Woltlab Software, all Users, posts and Private Messages are imported. (Nothing should be lost expect the Avatars, reupload them)
Our new Forum is still not finished, here is a list what is not done or what has been changed:
Unfinished or not added:
- Donation System
- Moderation Server Control such as Unban/Ban/Get Ban Informations and Banlist
- SA:MP Tab with all stats are not added yet
- Advertisement is now deactivated if you are in Donator Group
- User Title is now in the same Color as User Online Tag
- Social Networks are now visible at Dashboard, Teamlist, Memberlist, Threadlist sidebar
- Design upgraded for the new Software
- Forum Upgraded to the newest Version (Should work now fast for everyone)
- Memberlist and Teamlist has now a new look
- Donate with PayPal now works again!
- Donate with PaySafeCard added
- Added Samp Server on the bottom of the Forum with Player Count and Player list
Note: Maybe I forgot something, pleast write what is still missing.