We have bad news for everyone in our SA:MP Community!
SA-MP.com & Internet/Hosted Tab will be shutdown soon!
What does that means?
Well everyone knows the Internet Tab was only showing the same Servers as the Hosted Tab, it was the same Server list since the past 2 or 3 Years
The Internet/Hosted Tab will be shutdown soon and you cant see any Servers there, it will show nothing!
The same for SA-MP.com, it will be shutdown and you cant download the Server or the Client to play, we have added long time ago a Download Link hosted on our Server which you can find in the SA:MP Tab, you can download there the latest SA:MP 0.3.7 Client and 0.3DL Client as our Server supports both Versions!
Add our Server today to your Fav list so you can play everytime on our Server!
We or you cant do anything now, we have to wait until OPEN.MP makes a new Client as the Server is already out and our Server is already running with the latest build from Open.MP!
Greetz US Team!
SA-MP.com & Internet/Hosted Tab will be shutdown soon!
What does that means?
Well everyone knows the Internet Tab was only showing the same Servers as the Hosted Tab, it was the same Server list since the past 2 or 3 Years
The Internet/Hosted Tab will be shutdown soon and you cant see any Servers there, it will show nothing!
The same for SA-MP.com, it will be shutdown and you cant download the Server or the Client to play, we have added long time ago a Download Link hosted on our Server which you can find in the SA:MP Tab, you can download there the latest SA:MP 0.3.7 Client and 0.3DL Client as our Server supports both Versions!
Add our Server today to your Fav list so you can play everytime on our Server!
We or you cant do anything now, we have to wait until OPEN.MP makes a new Client as the Server is already out and our Server is already running with the latest build from Open.MP!
Greetz US Team!