We have finished the upgrade for our Forum and added everything back which we had in the old Forum.
Donation System works now again and both ways (SMS2Pay & PayPal) are working again Automatically, if there is something wrong please contact me!
You can set your Account ID using this Page: ustunting.com/board/index.php?serveraccount/
Here is a list of changes I did for the new Forum:
- SA:MP Tab is fully added with a new look
- Advertisement is now deactivated if you are in Donator Group
- User Title is now in the same Color as User Online Tag
- Social Networks are now visible at Dashboard, Teamlist, Memberlist, Threadlist sidebar
- Design upgraded for the new Software
- Forum Upgraded to the newest Version (Should work now fast for everyone)
- Memberlist and Teamlist has now a new look
- Donate with PayPal now works again Automatically!
- Added Samp Server on the bottom of the Forum with Player Count and Player list
- Added L4D2 Button to see the Left 4 Dead 2 Server Stats